1 109 209
new cancer cases were recorded in 2020

Breast cancer
Cervical cancer
Liver cancer
Colorectal cancer

Prostate cancer
Lung cancer

711 400
people died of cancer in 2020
1,109,209 new cancer cases were recorded in Africa in 2020 (1).
16.8% of new cases were breast cancer, with 186,568 women affected; 10.6% were cervical cancer (117,316 women affected), 6.4% were liver cancer (70,542 cases), and 6% were colorectal cancer (66,198 cases).
• Amongst men, prostate cancer made up 19.7% of new cases with 93,173 people affected, with lung cancer at 7% of new cases, affecting 33,282 people.
• The WHO estimates that 711,400 people died of cancer in Africa in 2020. (2)
• In Sub-Saharan Africa 34.8 new cervical cancer cases per 100,000 women are detected every year, with 22.5 womenper 100,000 dying from the disease (WHO 2020).
• Africa has the highest death rate in the world for breast cancer, with 85,800 deaths in 2020 (WHO). Half of the women dying of the disease in Sub-Saharan Africa are under 50 years old.
“According to our assessments, more than 28,000 children died of cancer in 2020 in Sub-Saharan Africa”, estimates Dr Jean-Marie Dangou, coordinator of the noncommunicable diseases programme in the WHO’s regional office for Africa.
• The cancer survival rate amongst African children is only 30%, compared with 80% in high-income countries. (3)
• 95% of radiotherapy equipment can be accessed by only 20% of the world population (The Lancet, 2018).
In its 2020 report the WHO writes: “in the coming years the largest increase in case numbers will be in low and middle income countries with the lowest survival rates”.
1. OMS Globocan 2020. The Global Cancer Observatory/March 2021
2. Total population of Africa in 2020 : 1 340 598 088
3. WHO Communication 4th February 2021

The cancer survival rate
African children is only
Half of the women dying of
the disease
in Sub-Saharan Africa are under
50 years old